Introducing The Next Generation Of Dropboxes

Nov 24, 2023

The creators rely on the dropbox every day, and the dropbox was probably the object I was the most frustrated about. It was lacking reliability, it has an old and bad mesh design, it was missing feedbacks on what's going on with the dropbox, and missing a little something.

Customization — Make it your own

For this major update of the dropbox, I really wanted to go deep on what could offer a dropbox. I know it can sound silly, but I'm all about the experience with the objects I interact with, and I wanted the EasyBloggers Dropbox to be something special.

  • Capacity: The dropbox can now hold up to 100 items, previously, it was 40.

  • Floating text above the dropbox:

    • Hide or show the text.

    • Choose the color of the text, between Beige, Blue, Teal, Yellow, White, Green, and Pink.

  • In front screen:

    • Hide or show the second line, that shows the number of items.

    • Change the color of the screen, between Blue, Pink, and Black. (Or modify the color yourself)

    • Customize the first line of the screen, useful to use multiple dropboxes to stay organized with your products, notecards, and textures. Special characters allowed: .,;:()< >!/

  • Stack: The new design is suitable for stacking vertically the dropboxes. That's why I integrated a stacking feature, which you can use to easily stack your dropboxes without having to edit them yourself.

  • More feedback: This new dropbox gives more feedback on what's going on, specially with the LEDs on the front of it.

  • Update available: A blue LED will blink when a new update is detected.

I hope that you will have some fun with the customization of this dropbox, please enjoy it and see you soon.

Bonus — Examples of customization