Introducing EasyBloggers for Events

Jan 25, 2024

Events have almost the same needs as a store in Second Life. They have a team of bloggers, which needs to access the product listing for all designers participating in the event, that's the reason they set up a bloggers' room, which each designer and bloggers has to go to get the product they want to blog.

However, there are a few issues with that:

  • It's unintuitive, you have to TP to the bloggers' room, and it's a lot of work for the owner or managers of the event, since they have to reset each box for each designer every round.

  • Designers don't know which bloggers took their product, unable to track the progress of the blogger on the post.

After a few discussions with event owners and some code, I'm excited to announce that EasyBloggers is now available for events!

New application form, made for events

Using EasyBloggers for Events allows you to upgrade your event, and save a lot of time during the management of it, and using the Application Forms makes your life easier as an event owner.

  • Bloggers Application Form: Make your own form for bloggers to fill, and forget about Google Form. You can add up to 20 custom questions and accept or reject applications right from your app.

  • NEW Designers Application Form: Same functionality as the Bloggers Application Form, but this time it's for designers. Designers need to connect to their EasyBloggers account to use the form, which makes sure no one can pretend to be them.

How does it work for designers?

To use EasyBloggers for Events, designers need to have a store on EasyBloggers. They can make one at the main store of EasyBloggers. They have to open the Creator Package they received, and inside there will be two important items:

  • EasyBloggers - Dropbox: This will contain their object available to deliver. By default, it contains only the notecards needed for the optional notifications.

  • EasyBloggers - HUD Passwordless login: This is the HUD that everyone can use to log in into their account directly. Password can be set later on in the settings of their profile.

Once they have their store setup, they can apply via your Designers Application Form. Once they have applied, and you have accepted them, then the following will happen:

They will receive a notification that they have been accepted, and they are now ready to do their first listing! By clicking on the left menu element, Products, they will be shown their products lists.

Click Create a product, and a new window will appear. In this window, they will add the Object to deliver, a texture UUID for the image, and the last thing they will need to do is to select your event under the Event dropdown.


  • The event subscription is per event, and contains unlimited designers and bloggers. See more details on the pricing.

  • The event owner and managers are the only one being able to accept or reject a post made from the bloggers' team of the event.

  • The prioritization value is ignored when the product is linked to an event.

  • The stores with free subscription will be able to access and apply to your event; however, they will have the limited features as any store with a free subscription.

  • The event has access to two more notifications: Designer Application Accepted and Designer Application Rejected, they are accessible from the Settings > Event > Notifications.

I'm an event, and I'm interested!

Happy to hear that! Currently, EasyBloggers for Events can't be purchased by yourself. Please contact Luke Rowley in-world, and I will be happy to assist you during the setup of your event.